Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Wake up!

Wow? Where has the year gone? It's time to wake up from this fog. My new life is good. Really good. Imperfect but really good. God continues to bless me even in my funk. The girls are great! We're wrapping up 3rd grade and Kinder More on that later. Tonight we had an event at our new church home. The girls are in a girls class called 'Holy Butterflies'. (I can't help but add Batman. :-) "Holy Butterflies, Batman!" -Robin. Anyway, they had a little program and reception tonight. My 'non verbal' girlie opened the evening with "Welcome Everyone". Wait... What? Public Speaking! I never dreamed. Yay! Tonight 'welcome everyone' tomorrow ....
Peanut was super brave and composed and closed the evening with a prayer.
Here is a lovely lady who has taken us into her heart. Love her! How beautiful they are!

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